Old Skool Cafe Jazz themed Soul Food Restaurant

Soul Food Restaurants in San Francisco

找到贝博体彩app最好的灵魂美食餐厅,吃一顿炸鸡, greens, and other fun fusion recipes.

就其数量和种类而言,贝博体彩app的美食无与伦比. 在这里,你可以找到所有你想要的菜肴和饮料,甚至还有一些你从未想过的. 寻找一些经典的灵魂食品在贝博体彩app逗留期间? Look no further! 这里只是我们最喜欢的几个在城市里吃灵魂食物的地方.

The American Grilled Cheese Kitchen

1 South Park Ave.

还有什么食物能比烤奶酪三明治更温暖灵魂的吗? 去美国烤奶酪厨房看看吧. 你会发现菜单上充满了独特而经典的烤奶酪. 其中最特别的是芝士通心粉烤芝士, 哪家的大蒜黄油烤奶酪三明治里塞满了芝士通心粉, and the Piglet, which has cheddar, gouda, ham, caramelized apple spread, tomatoes, stone ground mustard, rosemary butter on country whole grain. How can you go wrong with that? 

Brenda's Meat and Three

919 Divisadero St.

这家餐厅提供的菜单你可能会在新奥尔良找到. You'll find delights like crawfish beignets, muffulettas, smoked pork rillettes, and catfish des allemands. Uncover the southern culinary tradition of meat & three dinners, 食客可以选择一种肉(或虾肉)和三种配菜,从当地最受欢迎的日常选择中选择. Options include fried chicken, BBQ spare ribs, country-fried steak, and sides like collard greens, cheese grits, and dirty rice. 

Brick & Beam

555 North Point St.

In the heart of Fisherman's Wharf is Brick & Beam, a restaurant that seamlessly blends a hip, 西海岸的审美与经典的口味舒适的食物. Brick & Beam touts their comfort food, 但比起传统的南方美食,更多的是美式酒吧菜, including calamari, chicken tenders, cheeseburgers, and more. Don't skip dessert when you go; they have a cheesecake of the day that always wows.

The Front Porch

65 29th St.

这里是早午餐或晚餐的完美去处,食物是经典的南方灵魂食物! 从他们经典的诺拉风格的煎饼、炸秋葵和蓝蟹咖啡开始. 然后,尝尝他们的鸡肉华夫饼和辣虾 & grits, pulled pork chilaquiles, 和Stoner Stack(炸鸡胸饼干三明治), fried egg, cheddar cheese, bacon & homemade sausage gravy). 在贝博体彩app这家伟大的灵魂美食店,美味的菜单甚至不能用安慰食物来形容! 

Hard Knox Cafe

2526 Third St. & 2448 Clement St.

在贝博体彩app,灵魂食物最经典的地方可能是Hard Knox Cafe. 这家餐厅在外里士满和道帕奇有两家分店. 在这两个地方,氛围都是时髦、有趣和随意的. 把全家人都带到这里来,或者来度过一个愉快的夜晚——也来喝杯鸡尾酒. 菜单特色灵魂经典,像炸鸡,烧烤排骨,和po'boys.

Little Skillet

360 Ritch St. & SFO Terminal 1 

Chicken and waffles are the star at Little Skillet, where you can order waffles with either two, three, or eight pieces of chicken (and side dishes). 期待经典的南方菜,如羽衣甘蓝、饼干或土豆泥. 小煎锅餐厅的菜单上还有别的菜, including a "customize your own" bowl, po-boy, or plate, 允许您从蛋白质和配菜中选择. The restaurant also has a weekend brunch that shines for its chicken and waffle benedict. Little Skillet is in SoMa 他们在贝博体彩app国际机场的1号航站楼也有分店,所以你可以在回家的路上吃最后一口.

The New Spot on Polk

2401 Polk St.

如果你正在寻找一些简单,轻松,没有装饰的东西,看看The New Spot on Polk. 这家附近的咖啡馆以提供令人愉快的灵魂食品选择和标准的美国食物而闻名. Their brunch is particularly popular. 你会找到炭烤猪排、饼干和肉汁,还有蟹肉包.

Old Skool Cafe

1429 Mendell St.

This youth-run, 爵士主题的晚餐俱乐部从传统的家庭食谱的灵感,把它们变成美味和鼓舞人心的菜肴. 从湾景虾鸡尾酒路易斯开始,然后再去丹尼尔的秋葵汤和乔丹的炸鸡,配上不可抗拒的Mac & 奶酪,蒜蓉土豆和红烧蔬菜. 参观Old Skool Cafe,为你的肚子和社区做点好事. 

Palm House

2032 Union St.

棕榈屋是一家带有克里奥尔风味的灵魂美食餐厅. Harkening back to New Orleans and the Caribbean, 棕榈屋有一个菜单,特色菜肴如牙买加鸡, Island Smoked Ribs, and Spam Fried Rice Musubi. 它有一点异国情调,但有很多舒适和灵魂. Palm House is bright and airy inside, with beachy influences in the decor, and the atmosphere is trendy and chic.

Aaron Danzig
Aaron Danzig

Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social Media Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 他在贝博体彩app生活了9年多,从事旅游工作 & Tourism for over 7 of those. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食!